External and Internal Support System

Saturday, February 27, 2016 at 12:12:00 PM

We went to work overnight to ensure that we're able to provide everyone with a stable means of acquiring support for any issues that may arise and need a quick response.

For us, it is very important that all customers feel the highest level of respect and security in knowing that no problem is too small to not warrant our attention and action.

So, what we did was this:

(1) On the website support page we beefed up the contact form so that it is a dedicated Support Request Form with radio buttons listing some of the subjects of support that may, as a matter of course, arise.

Upon completion of this form, it is given top priority to ensure that a quick resolution to any problem can be achieved.

(2) Outside of the website, we put together an external and stand-alone Support Request Form that can be emailed (by us) or accessed apart from RollSaga.com (by anyone) to enable those that cannot access the website to have the same support access as those that can.

Additionally, we placed access to this stand-alone Support Request Form on three of our social media channels:

i. Twitter (on the profile), 
ii. Facebook (the about page), and 
iii. Google Plus (the about page, see the 'links' section) to make it easy to find.

Of course, we're only a phone call away at 1-888-850-2025 during regular business hours (Mon - Sat, 9 AM - 5 PM) and we can always be reached with an email sent directly to support@rollsaga.com.

We don't anticipate many support problems in the future, but we want you to be confident that if you do have an issue - regardless of what it is - we'll work very hard to make sure that it gets resolved.

The external Support Request Form can be viewed here.
The website Support Request Form can be viewed here.

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