All 30 Major League Team Folios Ready for the Printer!

Saturday, June 6, 2015 at 10:39:00 AM

All 30 Team Folio covers designed and ready for the printer. Wish we could have used full team names and logos, but without MLB licensing that's not quite legal. So for the time, until we secure licensing, we're going with the true team colors and city.

We say true colors because these colors on the Team Folios have been matched exactly to that team's asset branding specifications (in HEX and RGB) and were chosen based on the predominant color scheme extant throughout the organization.

Cities that have more than one team are marked as such with the first letter of the team name, e.g New York-Y to distinguish from NY-M.

Of course all teams are arranged by division, but we wanted to post them all here at once.

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